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+7 (7252) 41-30-90; +7 (7252) 50-05-05

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Beybarys Kyzmet

The modern life in big cities and suburbs can hardly be called quiet. Most often, many people, especially those who have their own business think about how to make their lives safer. Being armed with the experience of specialists of the company as well as new developments in the area of security provision, we have made a unique conception of the security business and lives of our clients, which have received the recognition of experts as well as confidence of clients. If you doubt about your own security or the security of your business, you can not work successfully and live.

 Constant fear about yourself, your near and dears, and relatives as well as about your own business may seriously interfere and make your life miserable. The purpose of our security service is to provide safe security services. The staff of the company approaches individually to each site, takes into consideration the requirements and wishes of clients in relation to the staff carrying out the services to clients and formation of security system. To provide security of our clients we develop the complex measures for protection and security of the site including the formation of unitary guard posts at the site with the capability to departure if the rapid response team is required. Beybarys Korgan carries out the remote control for the guarding object (panel controlled security), sets various security engineering systems for the protection of your company. The staff of the security service is constantly examined by the duty officers as well as the heads of the security sites providing the periodical examination. 

The purpose of our security service is to ensure that the security services provided to our Customers are reliable. Since 2009, we have been developing comprehensive measures for the protection and protection of facilities, including the creation of fixed security posts directly at the facilities, with the possibility of departure, if necessary, rapid response teams. Beybarys Korgan carries out the remote control for the guarding object (panel controlled security), sets various security engineering systems for the protection of your company. The staff of the security service is constantly examined by the duty officers as well as the heads of the security sites providing the periodical examination.

The security company (or security agency) Beybarys Kyzmet provides the following types of services in the area of security:

  • panel controlled security, alarming system;
  • events security;
  • security signaling system;
  • panic button;
  • fire alarming system;
  • video surveillance;
  • access monitoring.
  • bodyguard
  • property security
  • economic security

In spite of the security services, Beybarys Kyzmet provides the services concerning the designing, installation and operation of video surveillance system, access monitoring system provided by high quality specialists of our security company as well as various kinds of legal sciences.

Suggested controlling and security and fire devices (the equipment of GSM security and GPS monitoring) have the CERTIFICATE OF FIRE SECURITY and the certificate of compliance, and the software of Shchit-Server, Shchit-Client, Orbita-Server, Orbita-Client are the certificate of state registration.

We suggest the equipment for site protection and automation, the equipment for protection and automation, GSM security, GSM alarming system, panel controlled security, access monitoring system, “smart home” system, computer-based system of the process monitoring, GPS security, GPS alarming system, GPS surveillance, GPS monitoring, GPS control of the transport, home automation, GSM security, GSM management, GSM management using a mobile phone, security of residential premises and complexes, places of residence of citizens, security of flats, cottages and houses, the system of security of high security objects, the system of transfer of data through GSM channels, the system of transfer of data through the local and global network, automated management system, GPS transportation monitoring, protective satellite-aided tracking system, the system of GPS control over the property of producers and developers.

We also suggest ready decisions:

  • The automated system of remote supervision and management of engineering processes.
  • The accounting and control system over the consumption of the resources of housing and public utilities on the basis of wire technology
  • The monitoring system for recording and control over the consumption of energy resources on the basis of wireless technology
  • Automatic lighting control
  • Central control and management board
  • The system of emergency traffic through the channels of GSM (direct two-way communication through the GSM channel)
  • Remote management of USB devices (managed USB hab)
  • The system of GPS and Glonass of the transportation monitoring

Having applied to us, you can solve the problems concerning the safety of the property and security of your business.

On the basis of our equipment for the security and automation, you can make the system of the GSM security, GSM alarming system, GPS monitoring of any scale by using various numbers of its components.

The system of the GSM security, GSM alarming system, GPS monitoring system, and the GPS surveillance is made of “Tochka-4M”, “Tochka-8M”, “Orbita”, “Orbita-H”, and “Orbita-K”. All information from the facilities of the GSM security and GPS monitoring may be transferred using the method of redial and SMS messages directly to the client or through the GPRS channel to the central panel control of “Chshit” and server “Orbita”.

Our facilities for the security as well as the facilities for the GPS monitoring of mobile objects may operate within the network of any operator of cellular network of GSM standards. The SIM-card for the equipment shall be purchased separately to the mobile shop in accordance with the recommendations concerning the recruitment of the pricing plan of the operators of the cellular network for the company of GPS monitoring of mobile objects.


Under our guard

  • 001
  • 003
  • 005
  • 006
  • 007
  • 008
  • 009
  • 010
  • 011
  • ATT
  • At
  • JC
  • Ja

What customers say about us

  • Выражаем глубокую благодарность за плодотворное сотрудничество, благодарим за высокий профессионализм , порядочность, взаимовыручку и серьезное отношение к работе.
    Елдос Бекбауов, ТОО Полипринт

  • Благодарим Вас за эффективное и взаимовыгодное сотрудничество. С искренним уважением желаем Вам новых успехов в бизнесе!
    Кравцов Руслан Анатолиевич Директор ТОО «KZ»

  • Монтаж оборудования провели качественно и оперативно. Оптимальное соотношение цены и качества. Пользуемся видеонаблюдением и «тревожной кнопкой». Нареканий нет. Специалисты работают слаженно и вовремя реагируют на все вызовы. Считаю, что наш авто комплекс под надежным надзором.
    Арман Арынов директор ИП «Купенов»

  • Біз Бейбарыс Қызмет пульттік күзетінің 2015 жылдың қыркүйек айынан бастап қызметін қолданамыз, қызметтерін жақсы орындауда ешқандай кемшіліктері болмаған, Барлық жұмыстарын уақытылы, келісім шартқа сай орындайды және қосымша өзімнің тұрып жатқан үйімде Бейбарыс Қызмет күзетін қолданамыз, Бұл агенттікке айтарым тек қана алға, үлкен жетістіктерге жете берсін PS біздің ұйқымыз тыныш болсын.
    Ашенов Марат Куматаевич
    Алтын дән мини маркеттің басшысы

  • ТОО "Бейбарыс Кызмет" на протяжении более 7- ми лет обслуживают наши объекты. Выражаем Вам нашу благодарность за безупречную работу и высокий профессионализм. Отдельное спасибо техническому работнику Константину, который ведет наши объекты все эти годы, оперативно решая все возникающие в ходе работы вопросы .
    С Уважением Болбат М.А.
    Туристическое агентство "ART FLY"

  • Хотим выразить особую благодарность сотрудникам «Бейбарыс Кызмет», за своевременное и добросовестное выполнение своих обязанностей! Квалифицированный подход к работе сотрудников, а также профессиональная охрана имущества, позволила лишний раз не переживать за его сохранность. С первых минут обращения в компанию стало понятно, что этим ребятам можно доверять, поэтому, если кому-то требуются охранные услуги – мои рекомендации. Желаю успехов и процветания в вашем не легком деле!
    Молибога Антон
    Магазин Ай-Ару

  • Бейбарс Қызмет ұжымына көп көп рахметімді айтам! Менің квартирамды, дүние мүлкімді ұрылардан сақтап қалған. Жарайсыңдар!
    Қожабаева Райша

  • Бұл агентство менің дүкениме қызмет көрсетеді. Қызметтері өте сапалы және сенімді!
    Култаева Манзура


    KAI 5006
    IMG 2690
    IMG 2745 1
    IMG 2708
    IMG 2749
    IMG 2781
    IMG 2826
    IMG 2951
    IMG 2875

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